Azim Jamal | Life Balance Expert
Over One Million Addressed Worldwide (26 Countries – 5 Continents)
“…boosted morale…captured the audience…motivating and inspirational presentation…look forward to working with you again.”
KPMG, member of KPMG International
At Corporate Sufi Worldwide we offer the following Programs:
KEYNOTES: 30 to 90 minute presentations for public seminars or conferences.
SEMINARS: Powerful one-day public sessions available internationally.
WORKSHOPS: Full day or half day training workshops offered to groups of up to 50 people for conferences or in-house.
EXECUTIVE COACHING: One-on-one and small group Executive Coaching for leaders, offered over a three, six or twelve month period.
CORPORATE COACHING: Full year engagement including three one-day sessions in-house, addresses specific needs of the organization.
“Eye opener… enlightening… challenging me to push my limits…phenomenal… compelling….. relevant...”
CIBC Leadership
International best-selling author of:

"Azim's Seven steps to Lasting Happiness is both inspiring and practical. Everyone will benefit from it."
Dr. Deepak Chopra, bestselling author, "How to Know God"
The Power of Giving is....."extremely impressive… very inspiring."
Dr. Wayne Dyer, bestselling author, "The Power of Intention"